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Slice 5x5x5A 5x5x5 restricted in essence to only three layers by connecting them pairwise.
Slice 7x7x7A 7x7x7 with restricted movements.
Slice BiaxeThe Biaxe with an additional slice turn.

Slice CubeA 3x3x3 reoriented with its solid. It shares some similarities to the Lozenge prism and the Greenhills Cube.
Slice CuboctahedronA Slice Cube further truncated into the shape of a cubctahedron.
Slice DodecahedronA 2x2x2 Dodecahedron rotated inside its solid.

Slice FTOThe Face turning octahedron restricted to slice turns only.
Slice Gear CubeLooks like a 3x3x3 but combines at least four different concepts into one new creation.
Slice Hexagonal DipyramidA handmade Slice Cube truncated into a hexagonal dipyramid.

Slice KilominxLooks like a cloned Kilominx but allows only slice turns.
Slice MegaminxA slices-only-version of the megaminx.
Slice Of RevengeA 2x2x2 with extensions to transform it into a half-regular tetrahedron.

Slice PentagonA pentagonal layer with two layers reduced to two pieces per edge.
Slice PyraminxA Pyraminx with the tips directly connected to the core.
Slice Rhombic DodecahedronA 2x2x2 in shape of a rhombic dodecahedron but with a differently oriented axis system.

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